The Power of Cultural Inheritance

How did a Once-Dying Folk Art Reinvigorate a Remote Village in Northwest China

Community culture plays a pivotal role in rural development and often serves as a signi cant starting point of the efforts in this respect. The inheritance of community culture, bene ting people in an invisible manner, is no less important than infrastructure improvement that brings tangible fruits. This is especially true for a village in northwest China: a traditional folk art has been reborn due to a eld research interview, which in turn gives a new life to the village.
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1. 黃土地上燈影傳奇——我與馬岔皮影的故事 by Wechat account of Macha Village. (Chinese version only)
2. 黃土地上燈影傳奇(二)——馬岔皮影戲的文化傳承 by Wechat account of Macha Village. (Chinese version only)
3. 黃土地上燈影傳奇(二)——王師父的皮影之路 by Wechat account of Macha Village. (Chinese version only)